
5 Home Loan Deposit

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Details of new 5% deposit mortgage scheme to be outlined in Budget Newschain - The Newsroom. 1h Ultra-low deposit mortgages are set to make a comeback with a new 5% deposit home loan guarantee scheme. Details about the new scheme are expected to.

  1. Single people earning up to $125,000 or couples earning up to $200,000 will be eligible for the first-home loan deposit scheme if they have saved 5% of the value of the home. The government will.
  2. Mini Deposit Home Loans. 50 likes 5 talking about this. Mini Deposit Home Loans have developed the “MINI D” loan, a unique strategy that allows you to combine borrowing your deposit or shortfall in.
  3. From January 2020, the government will cover the cost of lenders mortgage insurance (LMI) for approved first-home buyers where they have at least a 5 per cent deposit. A 5 per cent deposit is also known as a “95 per cent loan-to-value ratio LVR” because the borrower takes out 95 per cent of the property value.


How much do I need for a deposit?

Generally you need a deposit of at least 20% of the purchase price of the property. Any less than this and you'll need lenders mortgage insurance.

Even if you don't have a 20% deposit, we may still be able to lend up to 95% of the purchase price. The minimum genuine savings amount required is no less than 5% of the purchase price.

A savings history helps

If you want to borrow more than 80% of the purchase price of the property you will need to provide us with a bank statement(s) indicating at least 3 months of savings history.

Family guarantee

If an immediate family member wants to help you with your loan application, they may be able to use some of the equity in their own property. If you want to know more on this just call us.

Upfront costs

It's easy to underestimate how much you need to save.

Here are some costs that are often forgotten (and been known to cause a few sleepless nights). Now you know, you can budget for them.

Stamp duty

Stamp duty is the state government tax on mortgage documents and the property. The laws and amounts vary from state to state. For more details or to work out stamp duty costs in your state, visit the relevant websites below, or use our stamp duty calculator.



Conveyancing is the legal process of transferring ownership of a property from one person to another. You can use a conveyancer or solicitor to do this. The main difference is a solicitor can give you legal advice, while conveyancers are generally cheaper than solictors. You need to budget for a title search to verify ownership and type of property.

Lenders mortgage insurance

When you borrow more than 80% of the property value you will need lenders mortgage insurance. Lenders mortgage insurance covers us if you default or do not repay your loan, i.e it's insurance for the lender, not the borrower.

Building and home and contents Insurance

As soon as the contracts are exchanged you need to organise building insurance. If you're an owner occupier, you might want to consider contents insurance as well.

Moving costs

Here are just some of the costs you need to include (it's a great time to have a garage sale and save on some of the moving costs!):



Extra furniture

Utilities connections

Strata searches and building and pest inspection costs

Before you buy make sure you organise a strata search and pest inspection. It may cost a little, but if you find problems it can save you money in the long run. Check whether your solicitor can arrange these inspections for you.

Let’s look at getting a home loan with 5% deposit.

As mortgage brokers we are often asked what deposit is needed for a home loan.

The New Zealand banks are restricted by Reserve Bank rules (LVR rules) which means that they will normally ask for a 20% deposit; however they still have the ability to do some lending with as little as 5% deposit. They have always had the ability to do this, but in most cases they won’t unless the applicants are deemed as very attractive to the bank and there is good reason for not having the deposit available.

There are two specific types of loans where you can get a home loan with a 5% deposit;

5 Home Loan Deposit Qld

1: First Home Loan

First Home Loan is exempt from the LVR rules introduced by The Reserve Bank.

From the 1st October 2019 the Government backed Welcome Home Loan has had a name change to First Home Loan. Another change is the deposit that was required for a Welcome Home Loan was 10% and now with the First Home Loan it has been reduced to 5%.

The First Home Loan is managed by Housing New Zealand and we have contacted them today to see if there are any other changes but they are not aware of any yet.

One issue with Welcome Home Loans and that will remain with First Home Loan is that not all banks have chosen to be part of this scheme.

Other issues are the house price caps and income caps which mean it is often not going to work.

Check our the website: CLICK HERE

Note: The announcement from the Government in the KiwiBuild reset lacked detail and Housing New Zealand staff who managed the Welcome Home Loans and First Home Loans knew very little about any of the changes. We will be checking and updating this post next week once the Housing New Zealand website is updated in case there are other changes that we are not aware of. We will also be checking with the banks to see if they will be offering the 5% deposit loans and what the individual bank criteria will be.

2: New Build Finance

New Build Finance is also exempt from the LVR rules introduced by The Reserve Bank.

The banks are therefore able to offer home loans for new builds with less than 20% deposit.

Most banks will offer finance for both turn-key and progress payment builds with 10% deposit and a few will offer lending with a 5% deposit.

The issue with financing builds is the high risk for cost overruns. Most builds are financed with fixed price contracts, but often they have PC sums (price cost estimates) for some of the work including but not limited to the ground work. With lower deposits the banks want to eliminate the risk of cost overruns so will want a contract with no PC sums.

Home Loans 5 Down

There can be other ways to get a low deposit home loan.


You can get low deposit home loans with the banks at times, and some banks will allow you to use guarantors. The non-bank lenders will often do home loans with 10% deposit and they will generally allow a second mortgage which can be used to fund the balance of what would otherwise be your deposit.

Speak to your mortgage broker and they can help explain the options.

Are There Extra Costs?

When you require a home loan with a 5% deposit there will be extra costs.

Welcome Home Loans (First Home Loans) charges a Lender’s Mortgage Insurance (LMI) premium of 1% of the loan account and the lender may also apply a loan application fee.

The banks will charge a low equity margin too which is an increase on the home loan interest rate. These vary in the way that they are calculated so you want to ensure that you select the right bank or that your mortgage broker knows about the differences too.

5 Home Loan Deposit Banks

How To Get A Home Loan With A 5% Deposit

It is not easy to get a home loan with a 5% deposit, but it may be possible.

Home Loan Hdfc

The easiest way to get started is to complete an online application (use the link below) and one of our team can check before discussing with you.

5 Home Loan Deposit

It costs you nothing to assess your situation, so why not find out today.